Autumn Caprese Salad

Autumn is the time for heirloom tomatoes and pumpkin spice everything! Whenever I walk into a grocery store, I am bombarded with all kinds of festive foods: butterut squash, spiced apple cider and pumpkin puree.



Whenever I walk to a farmers market, I am reminded of all the juicy, delicious heirloom tomatoes that are bursting with tender sweetness … and with this, I have to say: even in all of this cold, it is still nice to enjoy a refreshing salad! I even bought a basil plant for this occasion!

My caprese salad recipe is flavorful and tart. My secret (or not so secret) ingredient is garlic, like it frequently is. While I am eating this savory salad, my appetite reacts to the garlic and opens up for more. Great news because autumn requests room for more goodies like roasted vegetables!

In the meantime, take it one step at a time and start with this salad 😉

Autumn Caprese Salad
Serves 2

2 cups mini heirloom tomatoes, diced
1 cup part skim mozzarella, diced
1/4 cup basil, cut into thin ribbons
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
black pepper, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Drain bowl if too much liquid gathers in the bottom.
2. Enjoy!
3. If only everything in life was this easy!


