Sharing My Kitchen

What a great Tuesday it has been here in Seattle! After several days of gloomy grey skies and down-pouring rain, it’s pretty nice to feel the sun on my skin again! Hopefully this will stay for just a little longer … but probably not 😉

With the sunshine came a bright new day for me: I did what I love most! I woke up and slowly wandered my way into my kitchen to begin doing whatever I wanted! In this case, I am entertaining new friends tonight with a make-your-own-pizza dinner. As I am kneading my dough on my lightly floured counter, it dawned on me that I have never shared my kitchen with you.



That’s right. I have never showed even a little bit of what my kitchen looks like! Crazy, especially with this blog chronicling my journey into self-discovery. And so, after I plopped my pizza dough into the fridge to rise, I called forth my amateur photography skills. I think I did pretty well for having only a smart phone 😉 And here it is! My little kitchen located in the heart of Ballard. 🙂 It is small but it is all I need!


On the left here are the cookbooks that I own. Most of them are gifts from my loved ones who support my love for cooking … and also a hint for me to cook for them 😉

My personal favorite is Smitten Kitchen by Deb Perelman. Here is my chance to gush: I love Deb’s cookbook. It’s so practical and so real and most recipes that I adjust myself are based on her recipes. As I sit here drinking my afternoon coffee (haha, Seattlelite!), I daydream for the day that I can do what she does.

Well … I’m kind of doing that right now 😉

Okay, I wish I could write more but I have to go! But hey, don’t worry. I am definitely going to share my pizza dough recipe and pizza night with y’all … tomorrow morning. After all, I don’t want to share pictures of a brown blob when I could share pictures of a delicious homemade pizza!

And in case you haven’t gotten one, here is a smile for you. 🙂
